Marsh McLennan may be required to provide a W-9 or W-8 Form in accordance with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, including the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).  We recommend that you consult with your tax and/or compliance advisor in order to determine whether or not you are impacted by FATCA.  Please note that several Marsh McLennan entities converted from Delaware corporations to Limited Liability Companies, effective December 31, 2022.  Forms W-9 and W-8 for Marsh McLennan entities available on this site are the most current forms available and may be updated from time to time without further notice to you.  In order to ensure you are utilizing the most current forms available as a withholding agent (or for any other purpose), you are responsible for reviewing this site prior to remitting any in-scope payments to Marsh McLennan entities.

Please select from the jurisdiction below and the appropriate Marsh McLennan entity listed to retrieve a Form W-9 or W-8 in PDF format.  If you need an additional form not already listed, please email the following mailboxes for assistance:

                Form W-9 requests, please contact

                Form W-8 requests, please contact

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